OUGD203 - Evaluation
I have really enjoyed this module, I have felt like I have had more freedom to focus into what kind of design I personally want to do, and also what I want to improve on. Throughout this project I have also found I have a slightly clearer idea and understanding of what kind of design I do and do not like to do, and focussed more as a designer myself.
Regarding the collaborative brief I really enjoyed myself. I believe Sophie and I worked really well together as were are both interested in the same type of design and wanted to create the same products. We also got a lot of work done as a team by organising ourselves well and experimenting, allowing us to be more creative. Overall I was really happy with this briefs outcome, I felt that this was the direction of design I would want to focus into in third year, looking into type and layout, and this is the project I am most proud of.
I believe my strengths within this module lied in the ideas generation and production of our Fedrigoni brief. I believe within this brief I provided a lot of ideas of the direction of the project and through being organised allowed me to experiment more than I have done in past briefs. My weaknesses was probably down to the fact of missing out time due to injury, which hindered my excitement and time into the product range and distribution brief. I felt that through missing the time I did not get the feedback I may have needed to improved the project and pushed the idea further.
If I was to do this project again I would continue into exploring and experimenting within the Fedrigoni brief see what other designs I can create and push the brief further. If I was to do the Product Range and Distribution brief again I would have liked to have created more of the event. And made and designed more for the actual in store section for the children.
However overall with this project I am really happy with what we produced for the YCN brief and would like to focus more into this design from now on. As as well as really liking the designs I have made and the product we came out with, I also enjoyed the process of creating the product and experimenting. On the other hand I think from the Product Range Distribution brief I have learnt that I do not particularly like designing for children's products, as I found this difficult. Although I did know designing for children would be difficult for me in the beginning I did want to do this as it was something totally different and challenged me.
Attendance: 4
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Commitment: 3
Quality of work: 4
Quantity of work: 3
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